


where women connect founder Elsbeth Blekkenhorst-Tammes


Having moved to Doha, Qatar in 2010 and the hosting of the World Cup being announced two months later I knew I was in a magical place. But I was also in a very different place from home and continuing my career and finding friends was not always easy. It could feel very lonely. Becoming an entrepreneur and setting up female recruitment company Global Women Qatar changed this. We helped women to find a job in Doha and with that a thriving community of like-minded women grew to what WWC is today – a global community of women from all walks of life. The pandemic keeping us at home and often feeling isolated, the need for connection was more important than ever. In November 2021, I decided to organise an event to reconnect and connect with the help of three other women’s communities and it was big! The desire for connection was huge and from there I continued to organise networking events, but also masterclasses and workshops. And now we’ve launched a membership-based community that makes it even easier for women to connect in their city and beyond. What began as an employment agency has grown into a thriving space for women to grow their personal ad professional network, on both a local and international level.


Hi! I’m Elsbeth, born and raised in the Netherlands but always have been a global wanderer with a passion for travel and adventure and lived in different countries such as Germany, the UK, Qatar and now Portugal! My other passion is connecting, I just love bringing together women in one room. And not in your traditional kind of way but in a fun, open and relaxed way. Where it is all about you! Where you meet women to laugh with, talk with, make friends with – with the ultimate goal to grow in both your personal and professional life. Where you walk away filled with ideas and energy.

I believe in networking events where you purely can connect and talk, and not just listen to a panel discussion or lecture. And with many events being like that, I wanted to create something different. Also because I like different! So with our fun and inspiring events at the heart of what we do, we’re creating a warm and welcoming community for you to feel at home and at ease to take yourself to the next level.

Also, I believe that when women are together magical things happen and we can truly support each other. I don’t belief in competition, as together we’re stronger and can make a bigger impact. The WWC community is a warm and cosy space where women genuinely support each other and cheer each other on. All with a big smile on our face, as the fun is all about in the connections that we make!

With much love, Elsbeth xx

Elsbeth Blekkenhorst-Tammes Founder Where Women Connect
Global Women At Work events community

A Fast Growing NETWORK

Since our first event back in November 2021, we’ve experienced rapid growth as women discover us through our existing network, referrals from colleagues and friends, co-hosts and social media. Our community includes women from around the world, spanning various industries, ages and backgrounds. Join us today and you’ll meet professionals, founders, artists, authors, go-getters and all in between.

You can join us at our local, in-person events in Doha and Lisbon to expand your own network and community. You can also connect online by becoming a community member and enjoy numerous benefits, such as exclusive access to our members’ and brand portal, helping you make new connections and increase your visibility.

Join us today and get connected!


Where Women Connect About Us Events
Where Women Connect Membership Feature Visibility

But We ARE MORE Than That!

We are all about offering you the opportunity to connect, engage, learn and promote yourself. We provide you with the connections and expertise to thrive!

where women connect monthly meet ups
member exclusive opportunities where women connect
growing city chapters where women connect
foster global connections where women connect


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